Sunday, December 8, 2013

Aviate Homescreen - Invite Only

Having so many ways to customize a phone can be enough to turn the casual user away from an Android device, and while many of us embrace the "freedom" of these options, there are still just so darn many of them!

Personally, when I look at ways to customize my phone, I look for simple styled homescreen apps that have all been pretty much a disappointment up until now.

I would like to introduce to you an app called Aviate, the intelligent homescreen that simplifies your phone. Keep in mind that this is not an advertisement, nor am I affiliated with Aviate. This is merely a tool I use to better my Android experience and am still using  this very day.

In order for you to get your hands on this app, you need an invite. I got mine from a fellow Google Plusser named +Jake Luk . Thanks Jake! I still have 4 invites remaining myself. If you are interested in an invite then please leave a comment leaving me your email address.

After you get your invite, head over to the Play Store and and download away. After a quick and easy install, you might be looking at a screen similar to the one above.

At first glance it may seem a little dull or boring but is very misleading. Swipe the screen to the left and you get the app's options where you can change the skin to either light or dark as well as customize your various Spaces.

Here is where it starts to get pretty cool. Spaces allows the app to change itself to suit you wherever you are going and also changes during different times of the day without you having to keep manually switching back and forth.

That sounds pretty annoying right? I thought so too, but after seeing for myself how well it works, it's nothing less than amazing. The changes are subtle enough for you to thank the app briefly inside your own thoughts and are left with the feeling like this app is working for you and not the other way around.

For example, if you are at the gym, Aviate will display all of your health and fitness apps or your productivity apps while at work.

While these features are pretty awesome and are the driving force behind Aviate, it's not even my favorite part about the sleek little homescreen.

I have my phone customized (shown above) to rock the white and have placed the Appy Geek widget instead of using a photo. This is a phenomenal widget for a geek like me, but you can use your favorite widget, photo or anything else it allows you to put there.

A swipe in the other direction and you are presented with a categorized view of your apps that is completely customizable as well. These are some of the most used apps I have in my phone besides the essentials on my homescreen. I love how Aviate automatically categorizes everything for you so you don't have to spend time creating folders manually.

But where do the rest of the apps go?

One more swipe and you get an A-Z list of all your apps for quick access. It doesn't get much easier than that to find everything you need on your phone and once you get used to using Aviate, it has this way of "growing" on you as it evolves with your life.

I'm not one who likes to do a lot of customization within a piece of technology. I like things to be simple, easy to use, and nice on the eyes. The stock android display is rather dull, feels outdated and can be frustrating to navigate around -- Especially if you are making the jump from iOS. 

Aviate takes care of all of that at first use and I've been so satisfied with it that I've deleted all other app launchers and will be sticking with Aviate into the foreseeable future.

I would like to Invite  you to check it out but keep in mind, I only have 4 left so "first come first serve" as they say!

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